The following is an excerpt from Josh McDowell’s personal notes on Teen Statistics posted on his website sometime back.
• “One-third of all teenagers (34%) as born again – unchanged in several years. (2000)”
• “The most common church affiliations among teenagers were Catholic (22%), Baptist (16%), and mainline Protestant (19%). Only 4% usually attend a charismatic or Pentecostal church. (2000)”
• “In 1997, 88% of teens say they are Christian. This number dropped to 82% in 1999.”
• “Of those who call themselves Christians, 26% said they are ‘absolutely committed’ and 57% said that they were ‘moderately committed’ to the Christian faith. (1999)”
• “Almost two-thirds of teens (62%) believe that the Bible is totally accurate in all of its teachings. (2000)”
• “Almost two-thirds describe themselves as ‘religious’ (64%). (1999)”
• “Three out of every five call themselves ‘spiritual’ (60%). (1999)”
• “Three out of five say they are ‘committed Christians’ (60%). (1999)”
• “One out of every three teens (33%) is born again. (1999)”
• “Only 4% of U.S. teens are evangelicals (1999)”
• “28% of teens feel a personal responsibility to tell others about their religious beliefs (56% of born again Christian teens feel this way). (1999)”
• “56% of teens feel that their religious faith is very important in their life. (1999)”
• “Two out of three teens (65%) say that the devil, or Satan, is not a living being but is a symbol of evil. (2000)”
• “Three out of five teens (61%) agree that ‘if a person is generally good, or does enough good things for others during their life, they will earn a place in Heaven.’ (2000)”
• “Slightly more than half (53%) say that Jesus committed sins while He was on earth. (2000)”
• “30% of teens believe that all religions are really praying to the same God, they are just using different names for God. (1999)”
• “In total, 83% of teens maintain that moral truth depends on the circumstances, and only 6% believe that moral truth is absolute. (2001)”
• “When it comes to believing in absolute truth, only 9% of born again teens believe in moral absolutes and just 4% of the non-born again teens believe that there are moral absolutes. (2001)”
“Religious Activities”
• “Nearly 9 out of 10 (89%) teens pray weekly. (1999)”
• “Over half of teens (56%) attend church on a given Sunday. (1999)
• “38% of teens donate some of their own money to a church in a given week.” (1999)”
• “35% of teens attend Sunday school in a given week. (1999)”
• “35% of teens read the Bible each week, not including when they are in church. (1999)”
• “More than seven out of ten teens are engaged in some church-related effort in a typical week: attending worship services, Sunday school, a church youth group or a small group. (1999)”
• “32% of teens attend youth group, other than a small group or Sunday school, each week. (1999)”
• “29% of teens attend a small group each week that meets regularly for Bible study, prayer or Christian fellowship, not including Sunday school or a 12-step group. (1999)”
• “18% read from a sacred text other than the Bible in a given week. (1999)”
(“Teenagers,” Barna Research Online,
(For more information about the held perspectives on moral truth, see the February 12, 2002 Press Release article titled "Americans Are Most Likely to Base Truth on Feelings.")