The following are excepts from a February 2008 Mission America Newsletter:
Freshman Believe Unchanged from '04, a 2007 Campus Crusade survey finds 80% of college freshman believe religion and spirituality are important in their lives, and 75% believe in God. (One News Now 1/4/08)
Spiritual Values in Collegians A UCLA study found college juniors are more likely to be engaged in a spiritual quest than when they first entered college as freshmen. The study showed 41.2% of freshmen in '04 reported they considered developing a meaningful philosophy of life "very important" or "essential." 3 years later in '07, 55.4% agreed. 48.7% of freshmen in '04 said "attaining inner harmony" is "very important" or "essential." This jumped to 62.6% by '07. The study found growth over the 3 years in spiritual values, such as integrating spirituality into their lives and becoming more loving persons. Despite the rise in spirituality, college students are not making it to religious services. Attendance drops from 43.7% in high school to 25.4% in college. (Christian Post 12/20/07)
Myth vs. Reality Rainer Research reveals that 80% of high school students do not plan to leave the church once they graduate. Only 20% had preconceived notions about leaving. By and large, students do not flee church because they want to enjoy newfound freedom away from home; they do not have a deep desire to branch away from the church. (Outreach 1-2/08)
Christian America 82% of Americans in '07 identified with a Christian religion, 51% Protestant, 5% "other Christian," 23% Roman Catholic and 3% another Christian faith, including 2% Mormon. 11% had no religious identity, and another 2% didn't answer. 62% of Americans are members of a church or synagogue. About a third attends once a week, with another 12% almost every week, with only 17% never attending. 56% say religion is very important vs. 17% who say it is not. 32% say religion is increasing its influence while 61% say it's losing it, with 7% saying it is unchanged or did not answer. (Gallup 12/24/07)
Generic Christianity Commenting on recent findings, LifeWay Research's Ed Stetzer said, "We found a real openness to hearing about matters of faith, but the study also clearly documents...a generic 'big guy in the sky' view of God and a 'you believe what you believe, I believe what I believe' viewpoint on theology. People say, 'Who am I to judge?'" (BP News 1/9/08)
More Charismatics In '97, 30% of adults claimed to be Pentecostal Christians compared to 36% in '07. While just 8% of the U.S. population is evangelical, 49% of evangelical adults fit the charismatic definition. 51% of all born-agains are charismatic as are 46% of all adults who attend a Protestant church. 23% of U.S. Protestant churches are charismatic congregations. 80% have a full-time, paid pastor and the average weekly adult attendance is 82, equivalent to other Protestant bodies. 36% of all U.S. Catholics are charismatic as are 7% of Southern Baptist and 6% of mainline churches. 65% of America's charismatic churches are predominantly African-American vs.16% of white Protestant congregations. (Barna Online 1/7/08)
Kids Follow Parent Models 91% of kids want to help others, says a new Kid, Inc. study of 6- to 14- year olds. 58% chose volunteering over playing video games; 38% would rather see money for their gifts go to a worthy cause instead of receiving a present. When given a choice between participating on a sports team or a club that raises money for a worthy cause, 51% chose the fundraising club. Behavioral Associates' Robert Reiner said, "If a child's parents are interested in giving back, there is a chance that they will be interested, too." (PWB 12/21/07)
Happiness People who attend religious services weekly or more are happier (43% very happy) than those who attend monthly or less (31%) and seldom or never (26%). Pew Research has found this correlation to be consistent over the years. The same pattern applies within all major religious denominations. (PWB 12/28/07)
Religious Influence 27% of Americans would like to see organized religion have more influence on the U.S., 32% want less and nearly 40% want it to stay the same. In '01 30% wanted religion to have more influence vs. 22% less. (Outreach 1-2/08)
Population The 1/1/08 population of America was projected to be 303,146,284 - up 2,842,103 or 0.9% from 1/1/07. In January '08, the US is expected to register 1 birth every 8 seconds and 1 death every 11 seconds. International migration will 1 be person every 30 seconds. The net result: a total US population increase of 1 person every 13 seconds. The world population is more than 6.6 billion. (U.S. and World Population Clock 12/31/07)
Population Sustained For the first time in 35 years, the U.S. fertility rate has climbed high enough to sustain a stable population, solidifying the nation's unique status among industrialized countries. The overall fertility rate increased 2% between '05 and '06, nudging the average number of babies being born to each woman to 2.1. While unwelcome news to some environmentalists, the so-called "replacement rate" is generally considered desirable by demographers and sociologists because it means a country is producing enough young people to replace and support aging workers without population growth being so high it taxes national resources. Europe, Japan and other industrialized countries long have had fertility rates far below the replacement level, creating the prospect of labor shortages and loss of cultural identity. In contrast, many developing nations' birth rates far exceed the replacement rate, fueling poverty and social unrest. Experts speculate the reasons for the U.S fertility rate are a complex mix of factors, including lower levels of birth control use than in other developed countries, widely held religious values that encourage childbearing, social conditions that make it easier for women to work and have families, and a growing Hispanic population. (Tampa Bay Online 12/25/07)
Teens Financially Illiterate Only 34% of teens know how to balance a checkbook, and 29% are already in debt, according to a Charles Schwab Teens and Money survey. David Ramsey notes that in '06, high school seniors scored an average of 52% on a basic financial literacy survey, and 19% of all bankruptcies are filed by people under age 25. (One News Now 1/3/08)
UK Surpasses U.S. Living standards in Britain are set to rise above those in America for the first time since the 19th century, according to a report by the respected Oxford Economics consultancy. It says the GDP per head in Britain will be 23,500 pounds in '08 vs. 23,250 pounds in the U.S., reflecting both the strength of the pound against the dollar and the UK economy's record run of growth and rising incomes since the early '90s. (TheSourceDaily 1/8/07)
Is Marriage Necessary 44% of Americans ages 20 to 69 believe marriage is not necessary in order to have a committed, fulfilling, life-long relationship, reports a Zogby/AOL poll. Marriage Savers' president Mike McManus finds the number shocking. He says, "People who are married live longer, they're healthier, they're happier; they're wealthier. A man who's single, for whatever reason, will live 10 years less than a married man; a woman, about 4 years less." Many fear if they marry they'll end up divorced, and the antidote is to cohabit. But Rutgers University's National Marriage Project research finds couples who live together before marriage are 46% more likely to divorce and significantly more likely to experience domestic violence within their relationships. McManus says, "Churches really aren't very 'marriage-minded' - they're 'wedding-minded.' They are equipped to be able to help couples have weddings, but they really don't know how to build marriages." (OneNewsNow 1/8/07)
America's Unchurched are willing to hear what people have to say about Christianity, but a majority also sees the church as a place full of hypocrites, finds a LifeWay Research study. 72% of those interviewed think the church "is full of hypocrites." Yet 71% said they believe Jesus "makes a positive difference in a person's life" and 78% would "be willing to listen" to someone who wanted to share what they believed about Christianity. While 64% think "the Christian religion is relevant and viable for today," 72% of un-churched adults believe God, a higher or supreme being actually exists. Only 48% agree there is only one God as described in the Bible and 61% believe the God of the Bible is no different from gods or spiritual beings depicted in non-Christian religions. Up from 17% in '04, 22% of Americans say they never go to church (highest ever recorded by the General Social Survey). 79% of unchurched Americans think Christianity today is more about organized religion than about loving God and loving people; 86% believe they can have a good relationship with God without being involved in church. 44% said Christians "get on my nerves." Yet, 89% of the unchurched have at least 1 close Christian friend. And while turned off by church, 78% are willing to listen to someone who wants to talk about their Christian beliefs. The number rose to 89% among adults ages 18-29. Additionally, 78% said they would enjoy an honest conversation with a friend about religious and spiritual beliefs, even if they disagreed. Only 28% think Christians they know talk to them too much about their beliefs. (BP News 1/9/08)
Americans Believe An Ellison Research study finds 90% of Americans feel the law should support religious groups renting public property, such as a public school gym or a library room, for meetings if non-religious groups are allowed to do so. 89% say it should be legal for a public school teacher to permit a "moment of silence" for prayer or contemplation for all students during class time. 88% believe it should be legal for public school teachers to wear religious symbols during class time. 87% say voluntary student-led prayers at public school events should be legal. 83% believe the display of a nativity scene on city property should be legal. 79% say it should be legal to display a copy of the Ten Commandments inside a court building. (Ellison Research 1/10/08)
Fast Facts:
- 86% of people say it is extremely important that their Bible translation is easy to understand.
- 83% of people say it is extremely important that their Bible translation is good for serious study.
- 74% of people say the key reason for using their primary Bible is "I like the way that it reads."
- Some 30% of South Korea's population now identifies themselves as Christian.
- Service industries make up about 55% of all economic activity in the U.S.
- 86,000,000 people died in wars fought from 1900 to 1989; that's 100 people every hour for 90 years.
- Since 1975, 300 daily newspapers have ceased publication.
- Total U.S. newspaper circulation has declined 2.6% in just the last 6 months.
- 60% of the world's online gambling traffic runs through servers operated by the Mohawk Indian tribe.
- 10,000 baby boomers will become eligible for Social Security everyday for the next 20 years.
- The Ten Commandments are engraved on each lower portion of each door of the U.S. Supreme Court courtroom.
- Inside the courtroom, the Ten Commandments are displayed right above where the Supreme Court judges sit.
- Every session of Congress begins with a prayer by a preacher whose salary has been paid by taxpayers since 1777.
- John Jay, the very first Supreme Court Justice, said: "Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers."
- Nearly 100 million people in the U.S. haven't found their way to a church.
- 41% of all U.S. adults attend a Christian church each week.
- 59% of self-proclaimed Christians in America attend church each week.
- 60.7% of Americans believe a Presidential candidate should be a person of faith.
- 40% of baby boomers want peace and quiet from their active lives.
- Almost 1 out of 10 U.S. households is renting a storage space.
- 45% of U.S. households give to religious organizations, while 60% give to secular organizations and 37% give to both.
- 55 million Americans have disabilities. 24.8% are mobility limitations, 24.8% limited hand use, 16.4% cognitive disabilities, 11.9% vision, 3.7% speech/language difficulties.
- 40% of people with disabilities conduct business and personal activities online.
- 50% of disabled U.S. adults say the Internet has significantly improved their quality of life, vs. just 27% of non-disabled adults.
Information compiled and edited by Gary Foster, President of Gary D Foster Consulting, a firm that assists Christian ministries and product companies in solving management, marketing, donor/customer service and product development problems. Contact Gary at: 419.238.4082, or go to
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